Taking Care Of Your Braces At School

August 29, 2019

Being back in the classroom means reconnecting with old friends and a chance to meet new ones. If your child  got braces for the first time over the Summer, they might not know how to take proper care of their new orthodontic device or what to do in an emergency.  Additionally, on your child’s journey to achieving a straighter, more beautiful smile, there might be some social hurdles to overcome. Here’s what you and your child need to know to have a smooth and positive orthodontic journey:

Watch what you eat

Maintaining a healthy diet is crucial for overall health. Wearing braces for a while means that there are certain foods that should not be eaten to avoid damaging the wires, rubbers or even the brackets. As a general rule, hard and sticky foods such as gum, ice, popcorn, and sticky candy  are no longer your best friends. Instead, opt for softer foods such as pitted fruits, cheese, yogurt and pasta. Your braces are an investment in both time and money so it is important to protect them.

A loose/broken appliance

While at school children are often playing and little incidents can occur. If your child’s appliance becomes loose or broken, it is wise to have them contact you, the parent, immediately. If the child is very young, we do not recommend them trying to fix anything on their own, just ask them to keep any piece of the device that may have broken off or become loose. Older children are more capable of a DIY remedy until they are able to see the orthodontist. If the wire becomes loose, use the wax given by the orthodontist and place it over the wire to prevent cuts to their gums and cheeks. If there is a loose band or bracket, be sure to make an appointment with us to have it fixed as soon as possible.

Protect your mouth

Protecting your mouth not only involves eating foods best suited for braces but caring for your mouth before and after meals. Drinking lots of water throughout the day ensures that you not only remain hydrated but you prevent food from sticking in between your teeth and braces, too. Drinking water regularly helps to keep bacteria and stains from settling on your teeth. Brushing and flossing after finishing a meal will also help to get rid of all of the pieces of food that could get stuck between your teeth and braces.

Brushing, flossing and drinking plenty of water are good at preventing unwanted cavities. Wearing a sports mouthguard is another way to protect your braces and mouth. If your child is involved in contact sports, we recommend purchasing a mouthguard. A hit to the mouth when metal is involved is not a pretty sight. At Quince Orchard Dental Specialists, we want your smile to be protected as much as possible.

Braces are cool

For some children braces comes along with social anxiety. As a parent, being able to instill positivity to pacify these anxieties is crucial. Remind your child that this process is not going to last forever and the end results aim to fix something about their teeth that they were even more self-conscious about. In the long run, their straighter, more beautiful smile will help to boost their confidence and self-esteem.The tips mentioned above will help to make your orthodontic journey a healthy and positive one. Quince Orchard Dental Specialists aims to provide patients with healthier and more confident smiles. Our office is highly equipped and our dental team is dedicated to making sure that your child’s orthodontic experience is an easy and positive one. If you have an emergency or your child’s braces need repair, please contact us here to schedule an appointment as soon as possible!

Get in Touch!

(301) 527-2725

849 Quince Orchard Blvd E, Gaithersburg, MD 20878

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